Biological: Some studies suggest that defects or injuries to certain areas of the brain can lead to behavior disorders.
Tiny stress fractures or invisible defects in the wood itself can lead to major breaks.
These defects, caused by Foxp1 inactivation, lead to fetal death.
In the latest reports, researchers showed that another defect can lead to the same result.
They are told (and believe) that even small defects, like a pimple, can lead to social rejection.
There are at least 4 theories as to how this defect leads to migraines.
This defect will also lead to low-oxygen blood being pumped out to the body.
Normally these defects will lead to a decrease in the density of the crystal.
Biological: Some studies suggest that defects in or injuries to certain areas of the brain can lead to serious behavioral problems in children.
Ciliary defects can lead to a number of human diseases.