But even as the politicians delivered their funeral orations over a congential defect called Communism and over the decomposing superpower, a process of reincarnation was under way.
Some Shorthorns have been found to have a genetic defect called Tibial Hemimelia (TH), a disease caused by an abnormal gene.
Hinchliffe was born with a genetic defect called syndactylism.
The first stage is recovery, and it results in softening of the metal through removal of primarily linear defects called dislocations and the internal stresses they cause.
A very thorough medical examination revealed that Park was suffering from a congenital defect called Meckel's diverticulum.
The cause of death was a congenital defect called Communism.
The way they did it was to create a humanoid who appeared to have a form of bodily defect called hydrocephaly.
(Disclosure: my wife has a genetic defect called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrom.)
The good news was that the defect, called delaminating, was discovered.
Cebocephaly is part of a group of defects called holoprosencephaly.