On 15 February 1904, fortunes changed and the Herero defeated a German troop under the command of von Fischel.
However, his troops were finally defeated by the French under the command of Duke Francis of Guise at the 1554 Battle of Renty.
This time, government forces were able to defeat Carlist under the command of Mendiri, forces gaining a small tactical victory but at a great cost of lives.
This invasion was defeated by the Royal (Trịnh) army, still under the command of Trịnh Tac.
Forced to attack, the crippled Athenian fleet was decisively defeated by the Spartans under the command of Lysander at Aegospotami.
He was defeated by the forces of Oliver Cromwell under the command of Colonel John Hutchinson.
Launched from Guatemala, the invading force was defeated by the Cuban armed forces, under the command of Prime Minister Fidel Castro, within three days.
He was overwhelmingly defeated and driven away by the an army under the command of Ahmed.
After Charlemagne had defeated the Lombards under the command of Desiderius in 774, Pisa went through a crisis but soon recovered.
The republic was finally defeated by the Iranian army under the command of Reza Shah.