And for the once mighty Dublin side, defeat would effectively signal the end of what has been a bitterly disappointing and frustrating season.
A later defeat at the Battle of Lechfeld in 955 signaled a provisory end to most campaigns on foreign territories, at least towards the West.
In Ireland, William's defeat signalled the beginning of the Protestant Ascendancy.
The defeat at Tong Pass signalled the beginning of the end of autonomy in the northwest.
This catastrophic defeat was a fatal blow to British prestige and signalled the fall of the empire in the Far East.
The defeat at Bathys Ryax signalled the end of the Paulicians as a military power and a threat to Byzantium.
Each stage has a boss whose defeat signals the completion of the mission.
The defeat of Jerusalem signaled the end of the first Kingdom of Jerusalem.
His defeat signals the end of this biological war.
The defeat of the U-boats in May 1943 did not signal the end of the Battle of the Atlantic.