The project's sole customer, a state-owned utility, defaulted on payments saying the power cost was too high.
But in October, 19 of its 250 customers defaulted on payments to the company.
An early crisis arose in 1992 when the Schwartzes defaulted on payments to their top client, the man who lost $2.4 million.
Meanwhile, some of the 70-plus councils involved in such deals have felt forced to default on payments due.
But the controversy has emerged from the way the commission has dealt with the problem of small companies defaulting on payments.
Just as bad, the number of people defaulting on payments soared.
Small businesses are affected disproportionately by people defaulting on payments.
Otherwise, economists fear Argentina could default on payments on its $150 billion foreign debt.
A home in the United States was repossessed after he defaulted on payments.
I'm worried if I win the jackpot that they might default on payments.