In September 2012, he sued a former fork-lift driver who allegedly posted defamatory comments on Facebook about him.
Reviewers may not be able to remain anonymous for much longer: KwikChex is considering asking the courts to identify those making defamatory comments.
An anonymous poster impersonated a doctor and posted a defamatory comments on a bulletin board.
These ban defamatory, abusive or offensive comments.
When Brown was offered a chance to apologize, he made additional defamatory comments.
A defamatory comment is one that lowers the reputation of an identifiable person or company in the eyes of right thinking members of the public.
The Journalist reports that the move "follows threats and defamatory comments made on unofficial football supporters' websites."
The court upheld the defamation claim but reduced the damages for the defamatory comments made by Cathay Pacific management.
Montanaro would regularly make defamatory comments about "The Inner Circle" on his program.
The group said Juantorena made defamatory comments about members of the organization.