Despite this fragmentation, the Franks deeply impacted the cultural and linguistic heritage of France.
In the 1970s, DJs also started to become popular, deeply impacting teenage culture.
This was the era of the civil rights movement, which deeply impacted her whole life.
Lower Pottsgrove's parks have a rich history that deeply impacted its cultural development.
The death of these members deeply impacted the Peruvian community.
It is imperative that Congress is able to review the most onerous regulations that will deeply impact our nation's economy.
It is the simplicity, contemporaneity and effectiveness of the piece that deeply impacted the Serbian music of the early 1980s.
Reidhead's experiences in Sudan deeply impacted the core values that would later guide his life.
This event would deeply impact her life, for her father would be eventually killed.
The death of Guru Dutt in 1964 deeply impacted him.