The two men were deeply alarmed over disturbing reports of deaths of former patients who were shipped off and strange obituaries which had appeared.
"So that answers two questions," Dor said, trying to sound confident, though, in fact, he was deeply alarmed.
Bowns becomes deeply alarmed.
Thomas was barely aware of this; his fever had worsened to the point where the court physician had become deeply alarmed.
German authorities were deeply alarmed by a wave of violent xenophobia after unification seven years ago.
The Stationers' Company was deeply alarmed by the threat to its trade, and lost little time in establishing a "Covenant of Forbearance" with Oxford.
He was deeply alarmed.
Those of us who rely on the New York Times for moral guidance on all important issues were deeply alarmed by this sermonette.
France had been left deeply alarmed by the British success in the seven Years War which they feared gave the British naval superiority.
The church involvement has deeply alarmed those who would like to see the country move toward democracy.