The one who came from farthest to my lodge, through deepest snows and most dismal tempests, was a poet.
Rain Is Also Scarce "My deepest snow?"
In winter they hold the deepest snow.
The one serving the uppermost region, where the deepest snow lay, was the worst.
The Resort averages over 10 m of snowfall yearly, boasting one of the deepest snow packs in Canada.
In the more mountainous parts of their range, Eurasian lynx will descend into the lowlands in winter, following their prey, and avoiding the deepest snows.
And men went barefoot in the deepest snow and survived.
The horses could look graceful, Longtusk supposed, and they showed some skill at using their hooves to dig out fodder even from the deepest snow.
This Suzuki's AWD system is little short of awesome, making easy work of all but the deepest snow.
The deepest snow backed up across the river and the meadow, but some had run up the north slope of the canyon and rebounded onto Ferguson's house.