In the deepest postwar American recession, 1981-82, output dropped 2.5 percent.
Nothing like Labour then, which gave us the deepest recession in over seventy years!
The continual re-election of the Conservatives despite what was, at the time, the deepest recession since the war.
It was not enough to prevent the deepest recession since the Great Depression.
For now, the report found, the city's slow climb out of its deepest recession in decades has come to a halt.
Economic issues have dominated the campaign, with the country in its deepest recession of the decade and unemployment running near 15 percent.
But by 1993, Europe was in the middle of its deepest postwar recession.
By mid-2009, all three countries experienced one of the deepest recessions in the world.
That is why when spending on information technology dried up last year, it plunged Taiwan into the deepest recession in its history.
Meanwhile, the country is convulsed by its deepest recession in more than a decade.