The deepest place to jump from would be the ocean floor, and would not be much fun.
And in the deepest place, we found the thing.
To extract the ore in the deepest places, the company produces a Hall dredge operated with steam.
"He doesn't touch your deepest place," said Will.
There was eighteen fathoms water upon each side when she struck, and so did sink in the deepest place.
There was another thing inside her, at the very deepest place in her heart, but she did not say it.
He suspected that the deepest emotional places frightened him.
The deepest place is about 3 m, with 0.5-1 m being the predominant depth.
I have touched the deepest place in her soul, she exulted.
But that wasn't the woman they had just buried, and in the deepest place within her heart, Cassie knew she would never return here.