I pass from wild happiness and joy to deepest misery and sorrow.
The fate of a suicide is invariably one of deepest misery, his rash-act holding him in the earth sphere until such time as his physical life would have had a natural ending.
He told himself that it was the enmity of man, and not the vengeance of heaven, that had thus plunged him into the deepest misery.
He wore an expression of the deepest misery.
And he followed no more, but looked after her in deepest misery as she dwindled.
--you will be among those who would die of grief to lose you, and who are now plunged in the deepest misery for your sake.
Trachsel was mired in the deepest misery.
"In the deepest misery."
It is another miracle how steadily this light beats up through an atmosphere murky with calumny and misrepresentation, and Russia in the deepest misery meanwhile, yet benign, triumphant!
He gradually fell from the highest glory into the deepest misery.