For example, the Samson Pit was for a long time the deepest mine in the world.
"Had you not appeared, he and his rabble would be even now in the depths of our deepest mines."
Among the nation's gold mines are two of the deepest mines in the world.
At 3,749 m, Western Deep Levels is one of the world's deepest mines.
Ffoss Las is the deepest opencast mine going to a depth of 650 feet.
Because these pumps can only lift water about 24 feet batteries of pumps are required for the deepest mines.
Mr. Bokorov, who has had 12 years in the deepest mines to think about such things, already seemed a step ahead.
"As if we didn't know that we're below the deepest mines even here."
Sibay is known by his deepest open-dip mine in Russia.
At one time the Geyser mine was the deepest mine in Colorado.