People who face the visitors report fierce little figures with eyes that seem to stare into the deepest core of being.
He pointed upward with his right hand, and felt to his deepest core the warm, the righteous, the sweet presence of the Saviour.
In the deepest core of his soul he felt a connection with Shai-Hulud.
And yet, what exactly were those kindling emotions, in their deepest core?
The rest of her, the deepest inner core, was elsewhere.
They are clearly the work of a poet writing out of the deepest core of his being.
And what happens when the behavior in question isn't a sneeze but part of a person's deepest core of identity?
Even now there is little general agreement on just what, at its deepest core, the battle was really about.
"I believe that - to the deepest core of my being the American people want that."