His deep-seated anxiety preyed on Abbie's sensibilities like the subtle, edgy music in an old Hitchcock film.
These deep-seated anxieties are being exploited by the Communists, who charge daily that the Yeltsin Government is planning to falsify the election returns.
The process of normalization is incremental, and it involves the shedding of deep-seated anxieties and ingrained habits.
The book explores our country's deep-seated anxiety about sexuality and the lengths to which our government is willing to go to keep its citizens sexually repressed.
Reporters and critics have a deep-seated anxiety about the future of this institution they write about.
The argument developed in this chapter is of vital importance for the teaching of RE because it concerns deep-seated anxieties with religion which people have today.
The romance may therefore address "deep-seated anxieties in medieval society about breeding and dynasty."
Explanations for everything: Religion is a manifestation of deep-seated anxieties which --" "Oh, knock it off," said Ramsey.
(Playing on deep-seated anxieties generally does the trick.)
Even the appearance of asking Patrick for help repelled him, and, after his experience in Skeeter's jail, he felt a deep-seated anxiety about approaching Patrick in his.