In the contemporary United States, the structure of wealth systematically transmits race and class inequalities through generations despite deep-rooted belief otherwise.
Fueling the violence was a deep-rooted belief among many blacks in Crown Heights that Jews received preferential treatment, not only from the police but also in city services.
Caranac said: "It is a deep-rooted belief, an immeasurably ancient, that a man or woman may assume the shape of an animal, a serpent, a bird, even an insect.
This fear may work together with deep-rooted cultural beliefs to make most people conservative when it comes to changing their preferences in food.
The Santa Compaña ("Holy Company") is a deep-rooted mythical belief in rural Galicia and Asturias (where it is called Güestia), Spain.
Although Americans harbor a deep-rooted belief that their taxes are too high, they haven't focused sharply on this debate.
He makes poetry, but it comes out of a deep-rooted belief in the function of the building and a sense of where that building is.
She outlines these deep-rooted beliefs as typical of a woman married to a sexual addict: * She is not a worthwhile person.
the deep-rooted belief in the utility of luxury and the evil of thrift.