Then begin a regular program of deep, slow watering, adding six gallons or so every day, if possible.
Drought-stressed trees should be given a thorough deep watering once a week.
They are drought-resistant, although they do better with regular deep watering and fertilizing.
It prefers more frequent but not deep watering, the amount of water varying based on soil type.
It prefers shady situations and occasional deep watering, but tolerates sunny, dry situations too.
We were away," said Mrs. Schwaninger, "and a three-year-old dogwood did not get deep watering.
A second deep watering may be needed in containers and by especially vulnerable garden plants that repeatedly show severe wilt.
A thriving vegetable garden does best with a drip irrigation system, or at least regular deep watering.
Both are easy to grow, surviving on neglect and thriving on proper attention to their need for fertile soil and for regular deep watering in summer.
Again, deep watering is the solution, if it is allowed under local regulations.