But there were also signs of deep uneasiness among the predominantly Christian population.
'I've got a bad feeling,' Jilly said, and she did, but her deep uneasiness lacked a specific focus.
Before anything else, Two-Speed's former neighbors share a deep uneasiness about him.
The opposition also reflects a deep uneasiness with America's increasingly assertive role as the world's only superpower.
Again, I willed away the deep uneasiness which thoughts of Ann produced in me.
He held both hands in front of him and inspected them with a deep uneasiness.
He had not told her everything, and she felt a deep uneasiness about it.
When at last ill-health forced him to give up the reins of office, deep uneasiness was felt.
Many feel a deep uneasiness about the future.
A feeling of deep uneasiness, like someone had broken into his home, sneaked up on him.