With the thought of her existence will only bring tragedy to the world, she became brain dead and falls into deep unconsciousness.
But he couldn't discern whether she'd been hammered by drugs into deep unconsciousness or whether she was just sleeping soundly.
Spock had stopped aging since they freed him from Genesis, but he had fallen into a deep unconsciousness.
But after a few moments, even this subsided, and she seemed to relapse into deep unconsciousness.
He envies her that deep unconsciousness, but cannot afford to join her in it.
I remember Morris willing me on through a mist of deep deep unconsciousness.
Tom's father had sunk into deep unconsciousness, and was stretched out on the bed as though there was no more life in him.
It is a state of deep unconsciousness.
Utterly exhausted, she simply collapsed into deep unconsciousness.
Benzodiazepines can be taken in overdoses and can cause dangerous deep unconsciousness.