Moments later the deep thud of a bomb sounded in the distance.
The branches came raining down with a rustling of trailing leafs, and one branch made a deep thud when it hit the ground.
Renewed crashings sounded above them, and deep thuds which seemed to be coming nearer.
You could hear the deeper thud of body collision, the hiss of breath, the occasional grunt.
Ms. Hardrick said she was awakened about 1 a.m. by a deep thud.
It was a quick one-two, the deep thud of pipe followed by the crisp cracking of bone.
Pulling out a pin caused the final ladder to descend with a deep thud, as it hit the asphalt of the parking lot below.
The bolt hit the headland beneath the tower with a deep thud.
In the background, the deep thud of tanks firing into the hills reverberated down the tree-lined street.
The deep, even thud of his heart found an answer in the rhythm of her own.