She patted Farinelli and took several deep swallows from the water bottle before mounting.
He took several deep swallows of the icy lemonade, then rolled the cold glass against his forehead.
He offered the jug to Bane, who lifted it to his mouth and took several deep swallows.
He sat up, rummaging around for the bottle of wine, and took three deep swallows, then looked over at his companion.
He drank down half of it in deep cold swallows.
Doctor's orders," he said to Patricia, and took several deep swallows, then made a face.
Ryder uncapped the canteen she had given him and took several deep swallows.
He brought her an aleskin, holding it up for her as she took deep swallows.
He took several deep swallows and offered it to Kaelin, who shook his head.
Tobin asked between deep swallows, "What does moreac mean?"