The greatest obstacles here are deep snowdrifts and the frozen streambeds of small tributaries.
And then there was nothing but air under him, and he fell thirty feet into a deep snowdrift and didn't move again.
John took a second glance and saw the head of a small colt like creature whose body was buried in the deep snowdrift.
He took the bit and ran with joy through deep snowdrifts in the woods and along the tangled tracks near the fencing master's house.
While passing over Montreal they just miss running into a church steeple, and soon after the canoe ends up stuck in a deep snowdrift.
It has a raised nose to clear deep snowdrifts.
It is a city that has grown accustomed to deep snowdrifts in Wrigley Field on opening day.
She let go and landed on her back in a deep snowdrift.
Enver's project ended in failure after three weeks of struggle amid high mountains and deep snowdrifts.
Carrying their snowshoes, the four strode through the deep snowdrifts towards the cabin.