Riley's challenge is to find a way to get the most out of New York's deep roster.
His second season at the club saw reduced minutes in light of a deeper roster and tougher competition.
Under his leadership and with a very deep roster, Brown returned to Nationals in 2004 as one of the favorites to win.
The Argentines have a deep roster that mixes experience and youth.
They have a deep roster which will make quite a difference in a season where they are playing so much.
With such a deep roster, Casey will have to divide the minutes in ways that keep players happy.
And if guys get injured, we've got a pretty deep roster and we'll find a way to get a win.
Although not the only reason for the loss, Atlanta does not have a very deep roster, and paid the price for that.
But this season, the Colts rank among the best at formulating a deep roster and employing it to the fullest.
All of the pieces fall in place around him, and everyone on Ohio State's deep roster simply looks better.