The domed flower clusters are deep plum, glisten with nectar and dance under the movement of the many bees that visit it to feast.
Rosy pinks, rich coppers and deep plums are the big fashion news.
Her hair, a deep plum purple, was slicked up in a foot-high cone.
The sun sank into the mountains and the sky turned yellow, then orange and, finally, a deep plum.
His face was lumpy and the colour was coming up in his bruises, deep plum and cloudy blue like summer thunderclouds.
He opened the door to the carriage, an elegant brougham in deep plum, trimmed in gold.
The phone was available to be purchased in black, slate grey, wine red, and deep plum.
It's also juicy, scented, intense, rich, brimming with the smell of violets, deep purple plums bursting in their skins and bitter cherries.
His eyes receded into deep plum purple cavities, and his skin had a greyish lifeless tinge to it.
And around the town of Agen, deep purple plums are turned into big, black succulent prunes.