The case was said to be "based on a deep misunderstanding of which grants disabled students can access".
These cultural differences lead to deep misunderstandings between the two forces.
Because so many men I know live with a deep misunderstanding of Christianity.
This is a deep misunderstanding.
This suggestion indicates a deep misunderstanding of the strategic importance of New Orleans.
It equated evolution with progress or fitness, based on deep misunderstandings of evolutionary theory.
To the Editor: The communications decency bill is based on a deep misunderstanding of the Internet and electronic communication.
It's a new kind of music... So I feel like that created a deep misunderstanding in what this music is.
Haitian and American factory owners and business executives talked passionately this week about what they see as deep misunderstandings on Washington's part.
After first contact with terrestrial humans, the vast difference in cultures leads to deep misunderstandings and conflict.