He seemed to those around him to drop into what his former boss, Jimmy Carter, might have called a deep malaise.
The equities avenue is closed to banks now, however, because of the deep malaise in the market.
This however produced economic stagnation, lower standards of living and a deep malaise.
Poor Christmas trading highlights a deeper malaise at the grocer.
But if the Berlin wall has become a piece of capitalist merchandise, other walls survive that suggest a deep malaise.
Gool said the crime against Adams was evidence of a deep social malaise.
And that was at a time when consumers were suffering from deeper economic malaise.
These are some of the topics: * One year after the crash, the markets remain mired in a deep malaise.
Most of all, are these not signs of a deep malaise within Algerian society as a whole, but in particular among young people?
It is reflective of a deeper malaise for the people and Europe.