Candles glowed in the neighboring windows, and to the west, the sky wore the deep lavender skirts of sunset.
The sky was a deep lavender, with streaks of royal blue and gold.
The flowers are magenta to deep lavender to white.
As a bonus, the new hybrids improved the color range into deeper lavenders and darker pinks.
The flowers are magenta to deep lavender to white, with the stamens thrust out and the sepals bent back.
The room was a deep, deep lavender.
Though the sky was a clear cerulean and the Cascades were deep lavender and green in the distance, the thunderstorms would return this afternoon.
Its flower heads emerge in the late summer through fall and show deep lavender to purple rays with yellow centres.
The flowers are generally light to deep lavender with some white markings.
Hot sellers include Lavender Lady, a deep lavender fragrant variety.