The toehold must become a full deep footprint.
And he has left some deep footprints.
Why had he stood there, silent as an oak, long enough to leave a deep footprint, and then gone away again?
Look,' said one, pointing at Adam's deep footprints in the mixed sand and snow.
He kept his eyes straight down as he followed the set of deep footprints in the sand.
You know when the ground was wet and soft early this spring, Bossy left deep footprints wherever she went.
It had shocked him in his intent world to see the zigzagging lines of deep little footprints across his work.
He could see only a few scattered bootprints and smaller, deeper footprints.
She followed the deep footprints up the stairs and tried to open the sacristy door.
When I got to the center I left two deep footprints.