Reaching across the deep enmities between parties, it had no precedent in Chile's history and represents a fundamental ethical legacy for its democracy.
This event resulted in a deep enmity between the two cousins.
While the military withdrawal seemed to go without many glitches, the deep enmity that fueled the war remained.
Thereafter, a deep enmity developed between Zhangsun and Li Ke.
Niganda - Neighboring country with deep enmity for Wakanda.
"Remember that Germany and France had deep enmity extending back many years," Mr. Miller said.
But he knew, now, a deep and implacable enmity for the creature that did not need hatred for energy.
Of the spirits that did announce themselves, none seemed to feel any deep enmity toward the lady.
But his overbearing personality - and deep enmity for Mr. Yeltsin - seemed to have gotten in the way.
They were like Churchill and Stalin, obliged temporarily to fight side by side, fiercely suppressing a deeper enmity.