"Conventional taxonomy obscures deep divergence between Pacific and Atlantic corals".
The genetic analysis, for example, identifies an additional pattern of deep divergence in the eastern part of the range.
It demonstrated the deep divergence of cultural, religious and language values and became an issue of national importance.
The Manitoba Schools Question showed the deep divergence of cultural values in the territory, and became an issue of national importance.
But only 8 of the 11 were willing to sign the full report, and even this majority vote hides a deep divergence of views.
Now both leaders will need all their resourcefulness to bridge deeper divergences.
This is particularly troublesome, since it is generally agreed that such changes may be a significant feature of deep divergences.
The evidence given to support this is the widespread distribution of most taxa in the genus and poor seed dispersal, leading to the conclusion of deeper evolutionary divergence among the taxa.
The Manitoba Schools Question showed the deep divergence of cultural values in the territory.
Trade negotiators adopted a report Friday that delegates said reflected deep divergences between advanced and developing countries on how to work out international rules for service industries.