The carnage drew international condemnation and caused deep dismay among the country's security establishment.
To one side of them, Peottre was struggling to mask his deep dismay.
She put me in a quandary and caused me deep dismay.
Deviations from routine were forced on Shep, always to his deep dismay; he never chose to make them.
I kipped down on the ground, with a cartridge-box for a pillow, in a mood of deep dismay.
There was only the one thing-and his feelings were still confused between embarrassed pride and deep dismay.
A23 The move brought deep dismay from advocates for the poor.
But the predictable thought was accompanied by a deep dismay that he never would have expected.
But the perceived ugliness of the new doors nonetheless caused deep dismay.
Still, a number of senior police commanders viewed the sweep with deep dismay.