For my 16-year-old self, the descent into invisibility, also known as deep discomfort, began with the high, stiff collar.
Nest felt hot and itchy from the heat and exertion, but there was a deeper discomfort working inside her.
About half of those interviewed expressed a deep discomfort about working and living with homosexuals.
Or is possible that the fuss over Mr. Badillo's inartful talk about Incas and Mayans camouflages deep discomfort with the substance of his remarks?
Mr. Stephanopoulos declined to talk about his longtime associate today, an unusually guarded response that suggests a deep discomfort about his relations with his friends at the White House.
Despite deep discomfort and mutual suspicion, Government and opposition leaders are making surprisingly conciliatory noises about the need for compromise.
And the room, with its shabby gentility redolent of good wools and sensible shoes, raised in Gemma a deep discomfort.
He stood with that loose-limbed grace she remembered to her deep discomfort.
It was a dull suffering, the kind of malaise produced by illness or deep discomfort.
The lack of established medical authorities to interpret or filter such information could cause deep discomfort, some experts caution.