Eyes gleaming, head held high and smiling as if her face would split apart, Debera responded with a deep dip.
Many Sussex churches stand on high ground overlooking their village, but at Horsted Keynes the church was built in a deep dip to the north.
"Besides, we can't leave yet," Rafe told her hurriedly, in between two more deep dips.
She pounded the pillow again, then hugged it against her as her stomach took a deep, diving dip.
Ancient stairways, deep dips worn down their centers, spiraled away to upper galleries.
Another woman leaned on her partner, to be dragged across the floor for a few bars of music, then shared a deep dip like a controlled swoon.
The prettiest mouth in the county, with its deep dip in the top lip.
Her smile bloomed slowly, drawing his attention to the shape of her mouth, the full bottom lip, the deep dip centered in the top one.
Finally the song ended, and he swooped her off her feet into a deep dip.
There appear to be only two ways to avoid a deep dip into the Social Security funds.