It is not unusual to see ice and snow remaining in the deeper crevasses until mid summer.
Suspicion turned the lines in his face to deep crevasses.
There is also a deep crevasse into which young elephants have fallen and died.
We placed them in a deep crevasse and blew rocks over the makeshift tomb.
The melting ice has also exposed deep crevasses, making expeditions more dangerous.
Everything that they needed had been concealed there, in the deep crevasse under a shelf of overhanging rock.
On several occasions they had come within inches of death - tumbling down 100ft deep crevasses.
But he felt uneasy about it, like a man edging along the side of a very deep crevasse.
At that moment their flying platforms were approaching a deep crevasse.
It plunged at frightening speed directly toward a deep crevasse in the ground.