Instead of a gradual descent down the other side, the dune was backed up against the rugged slope of an incredibly steep drop-off leading into a deep wadi.
Ahead wound a deep wadi, or canyon, to which we quickly descended.
At the bottom of the slope ran a deep wadi and between Biryya and Safad lay agricultural land that was crossed by a highway linking to the main city and nearby towns and villages.
They were to re-main hidden in a deep wadi until they were needed to repulse the attack that was sure to come, Not even stopping to lace up his combat boots, Major Jered grabbed his weapons and ran for his command vehicle.
The A.E.F.'s armed convoy had taken three days to drive from Kabul, and had set up a base on a plateau above a deep wadi.
This movement was to cover reconnaissances to find the best place to cross the deep, dry wadi; a formidable obstacle for both infantry and mounted troops in their advance on Gaza.
In 1933, a French soldier remembered as "Lieutenant Brenans" ventured into a deep wadi in the Tassili-n-ajjer plateau in the southeast Algeria.
The village of 'Akbara was situated 2.5 km south of Safad, along the two sides of a deep wadi that ran north-south.
The water from Wadi Tinya drops into a granite pool from which it flows done to other pools and falls into a deep wadi, some places running under rocks, at other places resurfacing again.
Just before they reached El Quneitra the truck turned in to a deep wadi that wound back from the road.