A deep gong chimed in the background, and kept chiming.
The deep gong sounded again and the metallophones, tiny cymbals and two sets of brass kettledrums, resumed the impassioned melody.
There was a deep brassy gong, and simultaneously a tall, thin man in a black mask appeared by the side of the picture.
AIR (FREE AND RHAPSODIC) The Air has a satisfying, deep gong that is struck at the beginning of each big phrase.
On the hour, the massive deep gong of the giant Accurist clock facing Forty-second strikes, and the echoes chase themselves around under the great blue sky-vault and slowly fade.
And a great noise was echoing all around me, enveloping me, the sound of a deep gong perhaps, being struck very slowly in perfect rhythm, its sound washing through me so that I felt the most extraordinary pleasure through all my limbs.
But the dragon's voice was like a gong, both deep and shrill, or the hissing thrum of cymbals.
Everything retracted, the cowling slammed shut, a deep gong sounded.