Bwalya was unable to continue, the round was deemed incomplete and he had to be helped to his feet by the referee.
A management process without any one of the four phases could be deemed incomplete and inadequate.
A permit application submitted by the company to the state Department of Public Service was deemed incomplete last month, in part because it had not finished a report on whether the area already had undue environmental burdens from industry.
"Many applications are deemed incomplete," he said.
Two applicants withdrew, two applications were deemed incomplete, one school has been approved to open in Fall 2009, and one school has been approved to open in Fall 2010.
The architectural and historical building survey initiated prior to the project was later deemed incomplete, and the decision to destroy many buildings of "indisputable historic and architectural significance" created significant controversy in the community.
Instead of becoming official West Point applicants - the status that a Congressional nomination normally confers - the students soon learned that their applications were deemed incomplete, and thus voided.
Inside a drawer of folders were drafts of the three stories, as well as long fragments of others that were ultimately deemed too incomplete to publish.
In 1981, he published an erudite edition of Louise Labé works, considered "solid" and "luxuriant", though it has been since deemed incomplete.
Middling grades went to the remainder of their concerns, along with two deemed incomplete.