Tensions culminated in a series of November 2000 riots surrounding a French run Niamey based fashion show which they deemed immoral.
For the same reason, the police promised to restrict the public celebration of New Year's Eve, which the coalition deems immoral.
In particular, movies were subject to a barrage of local ordinances banning screenings that were deemed immoral or obscene.
Other than cannibalism, I can't think of any culinary customs that we have a right to deem immoral.
More than 6,000 villagers assembled to hear Patel speak and supported the proposed agitation against the tax, which was deemed immoral and unnecessary.
At the time of its first exhibition in 1916, the painting was deemed immoral.
Miscegenation or interracial marriage, most notably between whites and blacks, was deemed immoral and illegal in most states until the 20th century.
The second problem is that you can't stop the rest of the world from doing what you deem immoral.
In medieval Europe any efforts to halt pregnancy were deemed immoral by the Catholic Church.