The recorded deed states a price of $454,900, payable in monthly installments of $4,504.87 until the year 2023.
The deed also stated there was a swamp nearby.
In fact, the deed states that owners shall not resell it as a security, but a secondary market has sprouted anyway in several cities.
As your deed clearly states, 250 feet of DIRT must exist between the railroad track and anything else.
The deed to Rowan Oak states that the house be shown as a memorial to the writer - not a furniture show.
The deed of sale stated that a mill and other improvements on the property conveyed to Hook.
The deeds state that the Field is intended for the recreation of the residents of Combe Down in perpetuity.
A deed of covenant from 1846 stated that he:
A deed filed with the city states that the five-story house changed hands on March 15 for $3.89 million.
When the mill was worked by the Larter family in the 1920s, the deeds stated that anyone interfering with the river had to pay dues to the millers.