Each bad deed leads to a worse one in this disturbing first novel, a morality tale told by an ordinary man who became a multiple murderer.
On 24 January 1865 the following deed led to the award of the Victoria Cross.
One wrong deed leads on to other wrong deeds, like unending chain.
Violent deeds, killing of creatures having five sense organs, eating fish, and so on, lead to rebirth in hell.
This good deed leads to him being given an Argentine Dogo as a gift.
Kosh's deeds lead to his subsequent assassination by the Shadows.
These deeds led to the basis of the James Reavis Arizona land swindle.
I wot not, beloved," said he; "must we not go and dwell where deeds shall lead us?
Human sins are so wrongful that no deed or merit, only God's grace, can lead to salvation.
The video follows a chain of events, which depicts how one good deed leads to another.