Thankfully, I have gone on to meet many dedicated professionals who made big differences to their patients' lives.
There was, in short, no more dedicated professional on the circuit.
At the same time, we know that many dedicated professionals have worked hard to keep schools open where they could.
A small group of dedicated professionals has achieved all this in a period of 5 years.
Students from all over the Chicago area attend weekly classes taught by dedicated professionals.
Alekhine was the first to be a full-time dedicated professional of the modern type.
A dedicated professional at work, Terri is more relaxed when out of uniform.
He is a dedicated professional who not only loves the sports but enjoys being around the kids.
A voice-over says the employees are "enthusiastic, dedicated professionals, who share a vision about their company and its future."
As someone who has spent more time than most with members of our state police, I know them to be a group of dedicated professionals.