CI consists of a dedicated corps of about 950 Columbia University student volunteers participating in 25 community service programs, which serve more than 8,000 people each year.
W. W. Bondurant attracted a dedicated and talented corps of teachers who remained at the San Antonio Academy for their entire teaching careers.
The last international Guardian was put together on 30 September; since then a dedicated corps of readers have been deprived of their daily fix.
There is also a dedicated corps of weekday cantors who offer their services for each of the five weekday noon Masses.
In any case, OS/2 World proved that I.B.M. will always have a dedicated corps of loyalists who will keep the software alive.
The Guard has the Australian Defence Force's only dedicated drum corps.
I could envision a dedicated corps, perhaps neatly uniformed, standing guard with boats and ropes and life-preservers, below all the bridges of the Thames.
A dedicated corps of warriors will protect this planet covertly without the indigenous life forms ever being aware until such time as they are ready for the knowledge.
This dedicated corps of executives shares a commitment to public service and a set of democratic values grounded in the fundamental ideals of the Constitution.
But his blog has allowed him to build a dedicated corps of readers, he said, even though his tone is more strident and earnest.