In 1987, Gee joined nine legislative colleagues in filing suit against Edwards in a vain bid to halt what the lawmakers saw as continued runaway state spending, which was adversely affecting both the general fund and dedicated accounts.
The vendor may be prepared to accept some of the risk of not having the retention placed into a dedicated account or simply facing deferred instalments rather than a retention.
While HB 1751 did not incorporate the specific language of Senate Bill 1286/House Bill 3374 (which would have established a dedicated account providing grants to counties to investigate and prosecute human trafficking cases), HB 1751 does allow for grants to be allocated out of the sexual assault program fund for such projects.
Chris must save £210 every month into a dedicated account to ensure he has the necessary cash to support the move without increasing his debt more than necessary.
For Bede's two dedicated accounts of Cuthbert's life, the Anonymous Life is the chief source.
What Mr. Curry offers is this: a 25 percent cut in property taxes that involves establishing a dedicated account for use by towns and cities; state-guaranteed student loans administered by banks; using state-sponsored insurance buying pools to lower health-care costs, and fighting crime through tougher enforcement and more education and drug-treatment programs.
One caller complained that funneling state money to a dedicated account for local government would be prone to waste.
There are at least two dedicated accounts, @AmbroseBierce and @thedevilsdick, but neither lasted the pace (4 and 115 tweets, respectively, bailing out at A and B).
In his statement, Mr. Pataki said any past revenue that flowed elsewhere would be made up for with new payments into a dedicated account for the future park.
We have set up a dedicated account for U.S. residents in Scotland and visitors who wish to receive Consulate special announcements.