The prospect of litigation is likely to discourage foreign companies from risking investment in Cuba, cutting off one of Mr. Castro's few sources of new capital - selling Cuba's decrepit infrastructure.
These figures emerge in the midst of decrepit infrastructure and a lack of efficient institutions.
A8 The caretakers of Iraq's decrepit infrastructure are facing frustrations running for a seat in the new government while struggling to keep the water, electricity and oil flowing for the citizens who will be casting their votes.
Then you add to that the cost of taxes that are higher in a highly urbanized society that's supporting extraordinary social needs and a decrepit infrastructure.
Not only is Tokyo the largest contributor of aid, it is also the likeliest source of capital to rebuild the country's decrepit infrastructure.
Their currencies were converted on a 1-to-1 ratio, a costly decision for the west that left the eastern Germans - saddled with a decrepit infrastructure and a less skilled work force - utterly unable to compete.
I believe it would have been helpful to have had more troops early on to stop the looting that did so much damage to Iraq's already decrepit infrastructure.
Ancient factories, decrepit infrastructure and poor, uneducated workers challenge the idea of competing at all.
Cameron, not yet the favourite in the race, surprised all present by declaring the absolute necessity for Britain to renew and build afresh its decrepit infrastructure.
In Iraq, the military has taken to calling these two strands of strategy kinetic, meaning the use of lethal force, and nonkinetic, meaning efforts to rebuild Iraq's decrepit infrastructure and create jobs.