Roskino was disestablished in May 2008, after V.Putin's decree N 867.
The Direction de l'Aviation Civile (DAC), the predecessor agency, was established by decree N 73/12 of 17 January 1973.
The same one can reed in the Presidential decree N 168 on April 8, 2005.
In 1997, by decree N 262/97, the building was declared a National Historic Monument.
By decree N 1009 of the Government of the Russian Federation the Military academy received the status of a Military university.
The regulation of the parameters is under the decree N 18.328 of June 8, 1997.
The Legislative decree n 662/1996 detected a key problem of the so called "mega-universities" in the difficulties to access and successfully attend university curricula met by students.
In 2002, its monopoly was revoked by presidential decree N 02-195, which legally converted it into a private (though entirely government-owned) company; it is now scheduled to be split eventually.
A few years later, exactly January 29, 1934, Parenti is declared autonomous Common Area with decree n 735.
On March 9, 1925, he was appointed director of the national dockyards, by decree n 20,297.