They did not begin to decrease until the end of the decade.
It decreased steadily from 1950 until 1989 to about 530,000.
This rose again over the next 10 years and then started to decrease again until 1901 when there were 21 houses.
During the years that followed, the surface area steadily decreased until 1994 when the lake disappeared completely.
Rainfall data suggests that it increased from 1910 to 1940, decreased until 1995, then began to increase again.
The normal values decrease until the first year of life, remaining relatively stable before they increase again, especially beyond age 50.
Negative affect, on the other hand, decreases until the mid 70s.
After an initial surge of attention, public interest in the creature decreased until 1973.
Its increase did not decrease until post word war two.
During the civil war the value decreased rapidly until 1992, when one dollar was worth over 2500 pounds.