Sometimes stronger asthma medications are necessary to decrease symptoms.
While budesonide does not cure this condition, it may decrease symptoms such as pain and diarrhea.
A decrease in inflammation may decrease symptoms, such as shortness of breath.
Talk to your doctor; prescription meds, such as MetroGel, can decrease symptoms.
Taking L-arginine seems to decrease symptoms and improve exercise tolerance and quality of life in people with angina.
They can take several weeks to reach full effectiveness, but they generally help decrease serious symptoms.
Often, they are taken with a mood-stabilizing drug and can decrease symptoms of mania until mood stabilizers take full effect.
Patient education has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to decrease secondary symptoms seen with closed-head injuries.
Treatment to decrease nighttime symptoms and achieve uninterrupted sleep also is important.
Methotrexate decreases symptoms and may slow joint damage.