Symptoms include pain, limping or an uneven gait, decreased movement, loss of height, and loss of muscle mass in the thigh.
One way to decrease loss from sputtering is for the moon to have strong magnetic field which can deflect stellar wind and radiation belts.
At night our internal clock, sleep, and our inactive environment act together to decrease temperature and urinary loss.
But even though these fractures may be "silent," they can do serious damage, leading to chronic pain, decreased lung function, loss of height, and a condition called kyphosis, commonly called "dowager's hump."
An educational program of this type would cost little to administer, decrease future loss of life and show public support for our brave firefighters.
Thalidomide group showed a significant difference in weight loss compared with the placebo group, indicating the drug's ability to safely decrease weight loss and loss of lean body mass in the patients studied.
When osteocytes were experimentally destroyed, the bones showed a significant increase in bone resorption, decreased bone formation, trabecular bone loss, and loss of response to unloading.
Other emotional and behavioral symptoms include restlessness, aggression, mood swings, anger, decreased libido, impulsiveness, loss of social judgment, and lack of ability to tolerate stress or alcohol.