Yoga is used for treatment of cancer patients to decrease depression, insomnia, pain, and fatigue and increase anxiety control.
A new study has found that teaching healthy elderly people to play music decreases their anxiety, depression and loneliness.
The results showed that the carbohydrate-rich beverage significantly decreased self-reported depression, anger, confusion, and carbohydrate craving 90 to 180 minutes after consumption.
"We also know the positive health effects of good nutrition and exercise, which decrease depression, sleep difficulties and clearly are linked to better brain function."
A counselor can help you develop coping skills that will decrease anxiety, depression, anger, and guilt.
Reduce stress, lift your mood, and decrease depression and anxiety.
She tells them to go to the gym and offers compelling reasons: "It decreases depression.
Some research suggests acetyl-L-carnitine might improve mood and decrease depression in elderly people.
It also helps lift your mood and decreases depression and anxiety.
These positive interventions have been shown to decrease depression.