She is one of the first artists to use quilling as a contemporary art form outside of its historical use as a decorative craft on paper or household objects.
Papel picado ("perforated paper") is a decorative craft made out of paper cut into elaborate designs.
It was popularised as a decorative craft in the late 1960s through kits and books.
Help your child learn to make beaded jewelry and other decorative crafts.
Her mother is an owner of Trinkets Inc., manufacturers of decorative crafts in East Haven.
Here the phrase was used to distinguish French decorative crafts of the Belle Epoque from those of later periods.
There, he began to specialize in the decorative craft of trompe l'oeil, or illusionistic painting, creating architectural and garden scenes on the walls and ceilings of rooms.
While innovative glass dominates the White House displays, as it does museum shows and craft fairs, some of the most decorative crafts today are ceramics.
She's Crafty is a Canadian TV program about making decorative crafts at home.
It is found in tropical seas in the Indo-Pacific region and the empty shells are prized for use in decorative crafts.